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June 6, 2012
Regular Meeting
June 6, 2012
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Tom Daly, Jon Fudeman and John Mirick. Ann Neuburg was absent.

Accessory Apartment Informal Discussion- 36 Esty Rd
Barbara Gates presented three sets of plans to build an accessory apartment based on feedback she received from the board at the last meeting.
Option #1 shows the addition as an attached building, set at an angle to prevent it from being seen from the neighbors or the road and is her preferred plan.
Option #2 is to convert the existing garage into living space, though this may not be an option with the existing foundation. Option #3 is to demolish the garage and put on a new foundation and rebuild as an apartment.
Jerry said he is in favor of option #1 and believes it meets the intent of the bylaw.
Rick McCowan was present for the discussion and said he does not agree it meets the letter of the law. The apartment is not in the same building; therefore it is considered a separate house.
John Mirick was concerned about having two living spaces not connected and said it no longer has the look of a single family.  
Jon Fudeman believes the bylaw is vague and confusing and proposes to redraft and clarify. He noted the bylaw calls for the building to be clearly subordinate to the existing house.  
Barbara offered to locate the porch and entrance off to the side. John Mirick suggested moving the structure behind the garage with an overlap to the house. It will look more like a single family and not have the entrance facing the street. He said options#2 or #3 apply to the specifics of the bylaw. Tom also prefers option #2 or #3.
Jerry said both option #2 and #3 require demolishing the existing garage and redoing the foundation, which he believes is unreasonable.  He advised Barbara to move forward with an architect to draft a plan that the majority of the board could agree with.

E. Princeton Village District
John moved to pass over this item and discuss at a future date. Tom seconded. All in favor (4-0).

Meet with Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee
PAC members Sean Conway, Joe Bellucci, Deb Cassidy and Phil Mighdoll were present for the discussion.  Sean noted their recommendations outline feedback received from the public. Phil Mighdoll reported that CMRPC held two public forums, both attended mainly by residents in the area.  The recommendation is for the district to be subdivided with the southern portion as residential/agricultural and northern as business with an extension further north to allow depth for off the road mixed use with guidelines to be defined by the planning board.
Joe Belluchi recommends that the board take small steps for best interest of the town.
John Mirick thanked the committee noting the report provides valuable input on what the town would support for a future bylaw.   

Administrative Business
Meeting Minutes
May 16 Regular Meeting – John Mirick moved to approve. Jon Fudeman Seconded. All in favor (4-0).

The board reviewed the mail.

Other Business
Jon Fudeman questioned whether the board should consider modifying the bylaw and noted that the board is split between a restrictive and expansive bylaw.  
John Mirick said it is not unusual after a new bylaw is in place for unexpected issues to arise.  He suggests waiting to see if problems continue and revisit if necessary.

Tom will be out of town for the June 20th meeting and public hearing continuation for Karl Koch.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant